- Sometimes QuickBooks becomes frozen if it has sat in idle too long or if an export to Excel has been done. An export freezes up, this is due to Excel having not been open first before the export took place. QuickBooks is trying to both open Excel and export to it and it’s freezing up both QuickBooks and Excel. It’s important to have Excel open first before running an export from QuickBooks.
- The quickest way to fix the freeze up is by clicking on the start menu icon on the bottom left corner of the remote desktop. Once the start menu is open, you will find the 0-Log Off button located at the top. Click this, and the remote session will log out and close out all frozen apps.

- Log back into the server and launch QuickBooks to log back in.
- You can find the Excel shortcut in the start menu, by clicking start menu button on the bottom left corner of the remote desktop and then click on the Excel shortcut. Open Excel first before running any exports in QuickBooks

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