Click this link to watch a Tutorial, or read the instructions below:
MFA - Download WatchGuard AuthPoint app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store per your mobile device


You will need to supply RECUR360 Support with your email and then we will email you an activation code to click activate on your mobile device.
You will then receive an email to activate the AuthPoint App

Click Start Activation and on the next screen click Activate:

Follow the prompts to save the activation token to your AuthPoint App
MFA Step 1 - R360 Cloud Hosting - Multi-Factor Website Authentication with AuthPoint Mobile App
- Go to
- Click Login

You will be redirected to our Router Authentication Portal
Enter in your USER ID or Email address associated with your USER ID along with your password assigned to your USER ID and select AuthPoint as Domain (if not previously selected)
Read the Terms and Conditions and check the box "I have read and accept the terms and conditions"
Click Login to proceed to send a Push notification or enter in an OTP (One Time Passcode)

After clicking Login you will get a prompt on the website to either Send a Push notification to the AuthPoint app on your mobile device or you can click OTP (One Time Password) to enter in the code that regenerates within the app token

- Push Notifications will show this and you can then Approve

- Or enter in the 6 digit OTP code on the App instead

- Upon successful authentication you will redirected to our website again and you can launch your Remote Desktop connection to login
MFA Step 2 – R360 Cloud Hosting - Multi-Factor Authentication on Remote Desktop Server Directly
- Upon completing of successfully authenticating on our website, you can launch your Remote Desktop Connection shortcut on your Windows PC, Mac or iPad.
- User will just launch their Remote Desktop Connection as they currently do and upon login they will be presented with a screen to Push a notification to the AuthPoint mobile app a 2nd time, or allow user to enter in the OTP Code

- Upon successful Approval the App will display that on its screen and then login will proceed
- This process can take a little longer as Multi-Factor Authentication is happening directly on the RDP server for each user whenever they attempt a login

This will then continue the login process to your account.

Each time you log out or disconnect you will need to approve the Multi-Factor authentication again.
Please make sure to finish your Remote Desktop sessions by clicking the Start Menu on the Remote Desktop and then 0-LogOff