- To rebuild a company file, make sure to log into the file as the Admin user first. Make sure QuickBooks is in Single User Mode. To start the rebuild in QuickBooks click, File>Utlities>Rebuild Data.

- The next screen will prompt to let you know a backup needs to be ran first. Click Ok to acknowledge the backup.

- QuickBooks will ask if the backup will be either be Online or Local. Be sure to choose Local Backup. It Should be by default and then click Next.

- The backup location screen for local copies will appear. Click the Browse Button to begin looking for a location to save the Company File Backup.

- The backup location is Q:\QuickBooks\CompanyName. If the backup folder doesn't exsist, create it first.

- Click Ok on the Backup Options to move on to the next step. (Note: If you don't get this backup screen below, skip this step and continue on to the next step).

- Next you will see a screen to save the location that was choose in the previous steps. Click the Save button when complete.

- The next screens that will appear after you click save will be the Rebuild Progress bar. The Progress bar speed is determind off a few things, the size of the file, how many issues are in the file, how many issues QuickBooks can fix. The next screen is the View Results screen. Click View Results and if QuickBooks finds any errors they will be displayed under the Errors we fixed screen. If no errors are found the Issues found results will be 0.

- If Errors are found, make sure to run the steps above again until QuickBooks no longer has errors. Once the errors are at 0 you are done with rebuilding the file. (Note: Not all errors can be fixed through a rebuild. If this happens, contact support.)