This is a fix for when the Finjinni Add-in does not work or showup in the Excel program
For users that have access to FinJinni, their Excel program should look like this with the FinJinni option in the top bar.

If the FinJinni program doesn't work proerly simply run the "Remove Excell Add-in" and then run the "Setup Excel Add-in"
The files to add or remove the FinJinni add-in are located in the start menu under GypsiBI

If the FinJinni Add-in does not appear in the top bar after running the setup file, you can add it manually.
Inside of the Excel progmram go to File>Options

when the options window opens select Add-ins from the left hand side and then click the go button at the bottom of the right side

Select FinJinniForExcel and click OK

The FinJinni tab should now show up for you.