User Logins

6 min. readlast update: 03.22.2024

Recur360 can have individual user logins with different security access for each. Create a new user using the Add New button under the Login menu


Complete the basic details at the top of the screen. Note: the email address you enter will be the login for the new user and will be where the invitation to login is sent.


The center section of the screen allows you to give/restrict access to different areas of Recur360. In the Sections menu if you select the Login Can Access Only the Following Selections you must choose which menu choices of Recur360 this login will be able to access.

Please keep in mind that restricting the sections might not totally limit a user from accessing that feature. Example, if you remove the checkbox next to Recurring Invoices in the Sections the user will not see the Recurring Invoices Menu, or the Recurring Invoices section in the Customer profile screen (shown here)  


However, they would be able to see the report for Recurring Invoices that match the restrictions in the Recurring Invoices section (unless you uncheck that report from Sections)


Further restrictions can be placed on the user by selecting the menu choices below the Sections area. If you select the Customers section you will be able to set this user to be able to access: All Customers, No Customers, or Customers only matching certain criteria


Select the Login Can Access Customers that Match option to restrict this user to only see: 

  • Customers their login created 


  • Customer Type either matching or not matching the specific Customer Type 


  • Customer Rep either matching or not matching the Rep assigned to the Customer (QuickBooks Desktop accounts only)


Each of the selection box above can have multiple selections chosen.

If the option to limit customer access to those that match ALL of the following is selected, then the user can only see customers that fit all the restrictions set. In the below example this user can only see customers who are NOT type Wholesale and either Jill Brown or Sales Consulting Company are the sales rep.


Invoices allows you to restrict what invoices this user login can see. The invoices can be restricted to: All, None, or by login; Class and/or Rep for QuickBooks Desktop accounts: 


You can also restrict which kind of invoices this login has access to. If you remove access to one of the invoice types they will not show in other areas of Recur360 such as reports and this login will not recieve email notifications related to those invoices.



Location for QuickBooks Online accounts 


Recurring Invoices have restrictions for All, None, or by login; Class and/or Rep for QuickBooks Desktop


location for QuickBooks Online accounts 


Recurring Payments can be restricted also: All, None, or Only payments they created for Customers & Invoices they have access to


Items allows you to restrict what items this user can add to invoices. You can either select Matching, which only allows them to use those items listed; or Not Matching which prevents them from adding those items. 


Terms will restrict the choices the user can select in Customers, Invoices, or Recurring Invoices


Classes are used to restrict which classes this user can select on items (and invoice level for QuickBooks Desktop). 

undefined undefined

Reps will allow access to all reps or restrict this user to only being able to select either those reps Matching or Not Matching, depending on the dropdown, the selections listed. This option is only available with QuickBooks Desktop connections 


Accounts - (for QuickBooks Desktop accounts only) refers to limiting the Accounts Receivable GL account this user can select when creating new invoices or recurring invoices (only available with QuickBooks Desktop) 


Locations - QuickBooks Online connected accounts can restrict the user to only being able to select the listed locations when creating invoices or recurring invoices 

undefined undefined

Payment Collection - Payment processing can be limited for a user. They can have full permission; limited (only see and process with existing payment methods for customers they have access to; or None. 


You can also prevent the user from seeing the Email LInk option in the customer screen. 



Defaults will pre-select dropdowns for this user. For QuickBooks Desktop connected accounts the Terms, Invoice Class, Account and Rep can be defaulted


QuickBooks Online connected accounts can default Terms and Locations set when a new customer, invoice, or recurring invoice is created.


Once the user creates the invoice or recurring invoice, they can change each of the dropdowns that were defaulted based on the restrictions set for them.

After the new login is saved an invitation is sent for them to accept and access Recur360. 



Clicking on the link takes the user to an acceptance page


At that time, they will confirm their information and select their login password and accept the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy. 


The admin email will receive notification once they have accepted the invitation. Note: You can give the same user email address access to multiple company files within Recur360. Create the login in both company files in Recur360 with the same email address. The new user would accept the first invitation and set their password. The user must be logged into Recur360 when accepting the invitation to the second company. They will see the same screen to accept the invitation, once they click that the screen will show this message 


There is no area to update information or select password because that is already established. Once the user verifies they are not a robot & clicks the Finish Setting Up Account Access they will be able to see both company files they have been given access. 


Users have the option to create new Recur360 Accounts. When they click the Add New button in the top right corner of the Recur360 Accounts screen they will be prompted to enter billing information for the new account they are creating. From there they can go through the normal steps to connect the new account to either QuickBooks Desktop or Online.

User Logins can be duplicated to a new login in order to copy security settings to a new user easily. Edit the login to be copied and press the Create Duplicate button in the upper right of the screen


Complete the basic details of the screen to finish creating the new user.

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