Switching Payment Processors to RECUR360PAY

4 min. readlast update: 03.06.2024

After your RECUR30PAY Merchant ID is approved, our team will connect it to your RECUR360 account and make it the primary processor for both ACH and Credit Card Payments.

You can then enable the other features like Payment Details Sync, Account Updater Sync and Payment Transaction Sync. For more detail on our NSF Automation process you can review this video: NSF Automation.

Our team will also update your Invoice Payment Link settings (Settings - Email) to use RECUR360PAY as the selected processor for both Card and ACH payment processors. 


Please make sure in your QuickBooks Desktop or QuickBooks Online that you have the following payment methods setup so that when payments process they post to QuickBooks with a matching Payment Method:

  • ACH
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • MasterCard
  • Visa

Once these are set any customer who clicks the pay online link from an invoice (even if the invoice was sent prior to your change) will use RECUR360PAY to process their payment and store their payment information if they checked the box to save.

You can send a Bulk Email to all of your customers informing them of the change in back end processor using our Bulk Email feature from the Customers Center.

Removing Current Payment Information Method

If you remove all current payment methods from your customers (and your recurring invoices are set to email to customers) they will receive an invoice due email asking them to click the pay online link the next time their recurring invoice runs. Using this method, no payments will be processed through your old processor and it keeps the accounting side cleaner since money is not being deposited from 2 different sources. However it might cause a delay in collecting your funds since you will have to wait for customers to update their payment information. Also, we recommend that you set the Send Emails Based On Due Date in recurring invoices so they will keep emailing your customers if they do not pay the invoices. To remove all stored payment methods from your previous processor you can do this manually by editing each customer with a save payment method and clicking Delete Payment Method.


You can also disconnect the processor by going to Settings - Payment Processors, selecting that processor from the dropdown and clicking the Disconnect button. This will remove the processor and all saved payment methods linked to that processor. NOTE: Be aware this will stop any of our ACH automation features from processing. Therefore, it is recommended that you wait 2 weeks after the last ACH payment has been processed with that processor to allow for any potential returns to be processed. If you do choose to disconnect the processor prior to that you will need to manually handle any returns from that processor. Once you have disconnected the payment processor and waited to make sure there are no more returns that might happen you can contact the processor and cancel your merchant account.

Leave Payment Information

This option will make sure there is no disruption in your cashflow coming in, but it might take some time to convert all your customers and you will have to keep both merchant accounts open until all your customers have moved their information over. You will receive separate deposits into your bank account from each payment processor. You will continue to pay fees to both payment processors until all your payment methods are converted. Note: Use caution if you are adding new payment methods from within Recur360 to select RECUR360Pay as the payment processor anytime you are adding new payment methods to your customers.


For this switching method you can monitor how many payments are still processing through your old payment processor by going to the Reports - Payment History report and searching by your processor name.


You can also tell which payment processors are still linked to customer payment methods from the Reports - Payment Methods screen.


You can sort or search this report by Payment Processor and then click on a customer name to send them another email asking them to update their payment information.

Processor Token Migration

If your payment processor has the capability, you can request a token migration from them. Recur360 does not keep payment method information directly in our software. We keep a "token" to the information which is saved with your payment processor. A few payment processors will export this information in a secure way that could then be imported into RECUR360Pay, moving the payment details from the old processor to RECUR360Pay without requiring you or your customer to re-enter information. Please note this process can take 30-60 days from the day your request it from your processor. 



For USAePay you need to email support@usaepay.com and for NMI you need to email support@nmi.com.

Intuit doesn't offer a Token Migration

For Paya we can migrate ACH tokens but they don't offer Credit Card Tokens.

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