Settings - Email by Customer Type

3 min. readlast update: 03.28.2024

You can now create multiple Email Settings for your RECUR360 account, having a unique set of email settings be used in emails and customer links based on the Customer Type on your Customers. This feature is helpful if you have separate divisions in your company and you want to "brand" things differently. Recur360 will use Customer Type to determine which settings to use when emailing customers. If no customer type is assigned to the customer it will use the default email settings.

First you will need to define customer types in QuickBooks. For QuickBooks Online go to Customers (in the left panel) and click Customer Types

You can add or edit customer types there.

Once they are created you can assign them to customers individually by editing the customer and selecting the type under the Additional info section.

You can also bulk assign them from the customer screen. If you select multiple customers a Batch Action button will appear.

After you have updated customer types make sure to sync with Recur360.

For QuickBooks Desktop go to the Lists menu, select "Customer & Vendor Profile Lists" - Customer Type List


If you visit Settings->Email, you will see an Add New button at the top of the page.

Clicking on that will show you a popup where you can choose which Customer Type(s) you want your new Email Settings to apply to.

After selecting Customer Type(s) and saving that, you will have a new set of Email Settings, which by default are a copy of the original Email Settings. You can then make any changes you want to that set of Email Settings and save. This goes beyond just changing the company information, logo and colors. Any setting in the screen will be specific to that customer type, including the wording on templates and how the pay online link settings. You could set the Processors to None and not allow paying by card or ACH for those customer types as an example.

After you have more than one set of Email Settings, any time you visit Settings->Email, you will be brought to a table instead listing your email settings and the Customer Types they apply to.

You can edit or delete any Email Settings you have created. The original Email Settings will always exist and always apply to any customers that do not have a Customer Type that matches any other set of Email Settings. After setting up your email settings, any emails that go out of the system will send using the appropriate email settings based on the customer type in the customer email/invoice. Payment Links will also appropriately display based on the customer's email settings. 

Their email payment link will also be branded with the logo linked to that customer type.

When creating new Email Settings, they will always initially be a copy of whatever Email Settings you click the 'Add New' button from. Alternatively, if you click the 'Add New' button on the Email Settings table page, then it will be a copy of the default Email Settings.

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