RECUR360PAY - Stripe Token Migration Process

1 min. readlast update: 12.12.2023

To initiate an export from Stripe, login to your Stripe account.

Then click the following link:

On the following form, select your Stripe Account and then Data Migrations under "What do you need help with?"


Then fill out the remainder of the form matching these fields:


Under, "Is there any other information you want us to know?", please type in:

"Very Good Security has provided us with a PGPKey.txt file to be used for Stripe to encrypt the data with"

After clicking Send email, Stripe should contact you with a form to be filled out to authorize the export and that should be when you provide them with the PGPKey.txt from Very Good Security. That file can be downloaded from this link: PGPKey.txt

When Stripe completes the export they will notify you via email with instructions on how to download your files. After downloading your files you will forward them to and we will send them over to VGS to decrypt.

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