A Recur360 Pending invoice is similar to an Estimate in QuickBooks, they are not posted to QuickBooks at all until they are converted to a regular invoice. You can set Recur360 to start all new invoices as pending invoices by default under the Settings - Account menu.
The next 2 checkboxes control what happens if a pending invoice is converted or goes past the due date set on the invoice.
After those selections are saved when you create a new invoice it will default to a Pending Invoice.
After you add line items and save the invoice it will show with a "Pending" badge on all Recur360 screens.
The Invoice Center has a separate tab to show all Pending Invoices.
The main Dashboard screen has an option to show Pending Invoices separately.
When you email this invoice to a customer it will use the Pending Invoice email templates.
When the customer clicks their pay online link from the pending invoice it shows with any other invoices that they have open.
Once the customer pays the pending invoice it converts to a regular invoice with a payment which will post to QuickBooks. You can see the conversion information in the Invoice Center Converted Invoices tab.