Errors when trying to save/process payment with Pay Online link

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Many customers have recently reported problems with customers not being able to pay invoices or save payment methods using the Pay Online link. After some research we have found that this issue is related to Chrome browser (on build 117) and if the Credit Card autofill option was used by the customer. Chrome’s release notes for build 117 a security fix dealing with autofill. What was essentially happening is when the user told Chrome to autofill the card, for whatever reason Chrome was setting the Payment Type dropdown to a different value (that should only ever be Credit/Debit or ACH). Chrome overrode that field though, users wouldn’t see this because it happens so quickly. We have put programming in place to detect if the dropdown got blanked out, resetting it to what it was/maintaining the correct form.

We have added a banner to our Pay Online link if a customer is using Chrome that warns them about the issue and allows them to click the link in the top to open our Pay online link in Edge browser.


That should allow them to enter their payment information correctly if Chrome is not working. (Note: Mac OS users they will need to copy the URL for the page and paste it into another browser.)

If customers are still having issues, they can also choose to open the link in a Private/Incognito window. In Chrome click the 3 dots in the top right corner of the browser 


Choose New Incognito Window


This will open a new browser window that will not autofill any fields. Copy the URL for the Pay online link and paste into the Incognito window.

You can also instruct your customers to turn off the payment autofill in Chrome. In Chrome go to the 3 dots in the upper right corner and choose Settings 


In the Autofill and passwords tab make sure the Save and fill payment methods is set to off.

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