Bulk Email Customers from Customer Center

3 min. readlast update: 12.28.2023

RECUR360 doesn't store any payment methods for your customers, we only store encrypted tokens linked to the payment methods stored at your merchant processor.

If we are unable to perform a token migration for either ACH or Credit Card or both, you will need to email your customers requesting that they update their payment information within our customer portal.

To do this, you can send an email to your customers asking them to update their payment information. 

Settings, Email, Default Customer Template

First, from the Left Panel, click on Settings, Email and scroll down to the Customer Default Email.

Then edit the template and Insert the following or similar verbiage:

Dear [**CustomerDisplayName**],

We have recently switched our back end Credit Card and ACH processor over to RECUR360PAY. For PCI Compliance we are asking all of our customers to update their stored payment information. Please click the "View/Pay Online" link below, and then in our customer portal in the lower left corner click "Update Your Payment Information". Please complete this request prior to your next invoice cycle.

Thank you,





When Editing you can paste the code above in and then click Save.

Now go to the Customer Center in the left Panel. From the Customers screen there are checkboxes at the top that allow you to show customers with Show with Active Recurring Transactions and Show with Payment Methods. There is also a dropdown to allow you Show All Customers, Show Customers Not On RECUR360PAY, or Show Customers On RECUR360PAY



After you select one or more of these checkboxes you can also further filter the customer list using the search box. Then either select individual customers or use the Select All button at the top left. This will activate a Send Customer Emails button at the top of the screen.


Click the "Send Customer Emails" button. The "Send Customer Emails" screen will pop up showing you how many emails will be sent. The Default Customer Email Template will populate and allowing you to modify the subject line & message body of the email. 


There is a preview at the bottom of this screen.


There is an option to email a copy of this to yourself so you have a copy of what was sent.


Clicking the Send Email button at the bottom of the screen will send all emails immediately and log them in the Customer Email History Reports.

You should also go to Settings, Email and update all of your other email templates with similar verbiage so that when Invoice Due, Over Due and Payment emails go out they contain the same message to update the payment methods.

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